I am a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant!
I have a fabulous website www.marykay.com/RebeccaLesue I put a link at the bottom of this page.
Feel free to visit my website. there are virtual makeovers, lipstick personality tests and so many fun things. There is a whole section on Bridal Makeovers. You can even order things. I have some great gift ideas for the holidays and I do free giftwrap and delivery. And you can hostess a virtual party online!
Here is my Mary Kay story:
About 4 years ago, I was a stay-home mom with 2 kids (now I have 4). I hardly ever left my house because we are a one car family. I admit I had let myself go. My hair went up in a sloppy ponytail every day. I wore big, stained, worn out t-shirts every day, and hadn't worn makeup much at all since my marriage 4 years previous. One day I was brushing my hair and my son, then 3 years old, came into the bathroom and cried, "Mommy, where are you going?" Now I know that kids do this, but I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "If all it takes is me brushing my hair and he thinks I am leaving the house, then I have let myself go too far."
I considered and decided that I wasn't wearing makeup because I was so unsure of what colors looked right on me, and because the cheap eye-makeup I bought always stung and burned my eyes. I decided I needed some quality makeup and someone to show me how to put it on. So, I went to the mall. I tried talking to the Lancome lady, but she was snobby and rude. So I went to the Clinique counter. I got more help there, and went home with 4 beauty items and $100 on my cc.
A few months later my old college roommate called me. She had just become a Mary Kay Consultant and wanted to give me a free facial. Of course I said yes!! I loved how the skin care made my skin feel. I bought the skin care and started taking care of my face. Soon I realized that I could get all the makeup I needed for my face from Mary Kay for what only 4 things had cost at Clinique. Then she moved away. 5 hours away.
To make a long story short, I decided to become a Mary Kay consultant myself about a year later. I love it! I get to earn extra money for me and my family. I get to earn fabulous prizes. I get out of the house a couple nights a week and talk about something besides diapers and car seats. I have learned to be more organized and am a better wife and mother because of the things I have learned while in Mary Kay. I take care of myself better and feel better and more confident because of it. Best of all, IT"S FUN.
If it's any consolation I think you are beautiful. But what am I but a lone voice in this wide vast world. A book that helped me extraoridinarily with self-esteem and loving myself and accepting who I am is "In the Meantime." By Iyanla Vanzant. Anything by her is wonderful. Give it a shot you have nothing to lose.
ReplyDeleteNow about that MK stint...way to go!! Little steps help us become who we are and who we want to be. Welcome to the journey of self -discovery.
You look absolutly beautiful. I love the look you have with your hair. I almost didn't recognize you. OH my dear sweet friend it has been too long. I love you and miss you to no end. Becs I love your new look, smashing really smashing.