Monday, January 11, 2010

Persian Pickles

Did you know that ladies used to call Paisleys "Persian Pickles"? I didn't until I read a quilting novel "The Persian Pickle Club."
Loved it.

Since is is Monday and January 11, I am ready to make my New Year's Resolutions (oooh! did you ever notice before that the word resolutions is like "re" and "solutions"!!??) Well these are my solutions to fix my less than perfect self this year.

1. Exercise every day. --though I do hope to loose weight, I am not making weightloss my goal because I'm focusing on being healthy, not being skinny. Too much of my life has been wasted on worrying about skinny.

2. Have a morning devotional every day.--In which I read my scriptures and listen to God.

Since that takes care of my mind and my body, I should do something good for mankind or the planet or something* so...

3. Recycle my cans-- I found out my town has a recycling center for metal cans, but I have to wash out the cans and remove the lables. The old me would not want to take time to do this. But this is 2010 and it's time to take responsibility.

Most of all, this year I want to stop making excuses for myself. While I think that realizing my limitations is a good thing, I let myself off the hook way too often just because I get lazy. As friends, we often say to each other, "That's okay" or "You deserved a break/chocolate/binge/whatever." Sometimes it is just an excuse and I am tired of being disgusted at myself for not following through on what I promised myself/family I would do.

I have an amazing schedule worked out to allow myself to accomplish everything in my dreams. But I never follow it.

So, 2010 is the year of "No Excuses" I'll let you know how it works out :) <3 GlowWorm

*name that movie

p.s. You may have noticed that I changed my screen name (is that what it is called?) I had put "MarvelousThings" to go with my blog name, but the computer shortened it to "MarvelousThing," which always seemed very egocentric to me when I would stumble across myself online. "GlowWorm" is so much better on so many levels. plus it makes me happy.


  1. CLUELESS!! I think
    What great resolutions. Nate's friend is reading a book and it says that we shouldn't diet because our body goes into survival mode if we do, and also mentally we then crave whatever we can't have-so as soon as we're done dieting we want those things. It says we need to change our habits and eat healthy, not diet. Also, I'm doing this sweet thing--I think the website is the end of 6 weeks you should be able to do 100 pushups in one sitting--it also does crunches and squats. I'm starting today! p.s. I like Glow Worm too

  2. Yes! whenever I even think about dieting, I start eating all the time because I am focused on food. I also become exceedingly CRANKY!!

    Dieting is for the birds.

    Indeed, my quote is from CLUELESS :)

  3. I was all geared up for a recipe! Persian Pickles is great name for my favorite fabric.

    Maybe we can have a hen day discussion about how to be empowerers, not enablers!
